Saturday, May 17, 2008

Problem Solved

Remember I was worried about a conflict within the project, of life being essential meaningless but the narrative being the tool to give meaning? Problem solved!

I got to this principle in bold-face type in the Story book:

"TRUE CHARACTER is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure."

Of course! Meaning is not intrinsic to life in some external way, meaning is given by the individual to his or her life THROUGH the choices and actions he or she makes.

Duh. The answer is of course the Existential answer, all about choose/act/do/be, and all that.

Now, next task is to study the verbs a bit more: "to narrate" and "to author". Because I'm thinking what the individual does through his or her choices and actions is to author a life, not just narrate it.

More soon!

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