Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Definitely reverse seasonal affective disorder

It's October, the leaves are turning, it's dark when I get up in the morning and dark when I get home at night. It's cold and damp and I noticed about a week ago that suddenly I can concentrate, I'm in an optimistic mood, I can get things done.

Tonight when I left work it was raining and misty, and although driving was kind of a pain, when I looked at the coloured leaves through the soft mist and the drops pattering on the windshield, my main thought was, "This is really romantic."

Conversely, on Saturday I was inside, on the computer, in the spare room with blinds drawn, and my cousin IM'd me and asked, "Why aren't you outside in the sun?" I had a look outside at the sun, but the very thought of going out there made me tired.

I definitely do better in the cold, dark and wet. I wonder how many others out there have my rare and misunderstood condition?

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