Monday, June 2, 2008

The Internet Is Other People

As one of the next steps in the project I want to go back and re-read my Sartre. The screenwriting book is validating the Existentialist themes that life has no intrinsic structure, but people create their own story through their choices and actions.

However, Sartre is so bleak regarding human community. Sure, we're all essentially locked in our own consciousnesses and ultimately alone, but what with all the interactive networking technology that so characterizes the current age, might his dictum "Hell is other people" not be ready for an update?

When I think about Sartre vis a vis human community, and I think of the themes of the contemporary world (not so long after Time Magazine put a mirror on its cover and made "You" the Person of the Year), the update I think it could use is one that includes existence through the network. World of Warcraft, Second Life, YouTube, Facebook and all that. And that even more fundamental insight that behind every web page and email address, there is another human person.

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