Sunday, October 18, 2009

How could we be scientific about this?

Compile a list of hypotheses.
Rank them in terms of difficulty of implementation and estimate of potential benefit.
Lowest difficult + highest benefit is top priority, then descending from there.

Week 1 - Baseline
Do everything as you do.
At the end of the week assign a score out of 10.

Week 2 - Low Hanging Fruit
Implement just one change, the one that ranked highest of the priority score during the Pre-experiment phase.
At the end of this week assign a score out of 10.
- If higher than baseline, adopt change permanently.
- If lower than baseline, eliminate from list of options (optional - test NOT doing the thing as its own hypothesis on a different week, score again)
- If same as baseline, activity is optional hereon in.

So then the only question for me is, should this coming week be Baseline or Week 1?

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