Saturday, November 15, 2008

post-party blues

Last night was so outstandingly fun that today couldn't help but be a letdown, but I'm still carrying the golden glow of the gig with me inside. And I didn't need to have too much fun today because tomorrow I'm going to my first Green Bay Packers game, with a group of people from work. It will have the advantage that, unlike at the rock show, I won't be watching all the performers and wishing I could be where they were, doing what they are doing. And should be fun hanging out of the work folks outside of work.

Today, all inspired, I decided to practice guitar, and all the things I used to be able to do were awkward and hard and not coming out right. It made me feel like a two-year-old probably feels - I have all these things inside me that I want to express, but I'm not fluent enough in the language to be able to get them out. Wish there was a baby-sign-language equivalent for playing a Fender. Actually, there probably is - I think it's called "Guitar Hero III".

The only cure for lack of experience is more experience. So I'm going to try some more blues patterns, and get the songs under my fingers more effectively, and have a quiet night in, in anticipation of the football game tomorrow.

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