Sunday, August 23, 2009


I was driving through Menasha, one street down from how I normally go because of construction, and passed a church that had the Beatitudes on a sign out front. One is "Blessed are the peacemakers," and of course my mind went immediately to Monty Python's Life of Brian and changed it to "Blessed are the cheesemakers", and here I am in Wisconsin and that's what we all are, and that made me smile.

1 comment:

David Pablo Cohn said...

Every week at our local farmers market, I look forward to talking with Rhonda, who personally takes care of - and talks to - the cows that provide us our weekly bottles of fresh-from-the-farm milk.

I think of Life O' Brian whenever I see her business card, which simply says "Rhonda Gruber, Cheesemaker". And yes, I do think she deserves to be blessed.