Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Back home

The thing I'm reconnecting with, now that I'm back in the States, is all the music.

All my punk stuff.

All the songs that were popular when I was in college, that all of us radio people were most into (hello, Children of Nuggets Vols 1-4).

Rockabilly, punkabilly - the edgy stuff that is country-informed, and that you don't earn the right to play unless you're from Texas.

The guitars, which were all invented and built here. Stratocaster, Telecaster, Les Paul.

The indie magazines, the mimeographed posters in the windows of indie record stores. The venues, the pick up bands, the kids doing it, the homemade tapes.

The tattoos, the leather jackets, the shirts with those colored panels down the front, the hands around necks of beer bottles, the post-Elvis punkabilly hair.

I am from this place. There's a line to it from me now. I'm back home, and reconnecting to it.

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