Sunday, August 17, 2008

Sunday a new beginning

I hardly did any more today than I did yesterday, but somehow this morning I woke up with optimism. I was having some dream where I was accomplishing something or organizing something, and somehow it made me feel when I woke up like I could do things and it wasn't so bad. I got the dishes done, laundry mostly done, and went to the big gym. It's easy to get motivated at the gym when the Olympics are on the TVs.

I went to the store and grabbed breakfast food for tomorrow and frozen vegetarian dinner, but this time I didn't feel bad about it. That's what I do, is eat frozen vegetarian dinner, and throw the box in the recycling, damn it, and get wasteful nutrition, because I'm a busy woman and I don't have more time than 2x2:30 minutes to cook anything. But it seems fine, today, somehow.

And I'm feeling optimistic about my Philorum plan, which I was trying to talk myself into last weekend. I just need a venue really. I can work the publicity machine once it's set. So, how hard could it be? As long as there's one person committed to showing up - me - then it will work. That's what the man said.

So, stay tuned for what might be a better, less gloomy week.


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