Thursday, August 21, 2008


Tonight I was at Pearl Vision buying a pair of reading glasses - just got the cheap pre-prepared ones at this stage, to see how I like taking them on and off when I need to see something. If I decide to commit, there were some quite fabulous square Ray-Bans I could go back and invest in.

A woman came in towing her two daughters in a blue wagon, I guess the wagons are available from the mall. One of the girls was named Champagne.

When I was waiting to pay I looked up at a UPS package that was sitting on a shelf up behind the cash register, all addressed and ready to go, and the sender's name was Brandy Fish.

Driving home, I saw a family out for a walk, a sister, a Dad, and a little brother. The Dad was pulling the little brother behind them in a red wagon.

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