Thursday, March 6, 2008

One of those films of a flower growing, speeded up

The rain last Sunday night melted lots of the snow and so now the piles outside are only about half as tall as they were. Tonight when I was walking down to the mailboxes to get my mail, everything looked much smaller. I had the sensation that you have when you go to a place you haven't been to since childhood, and you are amazed at how much smaller it all looks, but actually it's just you who are bigger.

Last week I couldn't see over the top of any of the snow piles, but tonight they only came up to about waist-high. It made the apartment complex seem much smaller, but also more manageable in a way.

I have lived here four months and one week, and I've already had the experience of being a tiny, overwhelmed child and being a grown-up reflecting back on that time.

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