Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Belated Valentine's poem

I would abjure my fundamental values for you, baby.
I would change my last name to yours.

I would stand in a church - a church! - in a white dress,
Make promises concerning a future that is not actual,
Combine book collections,
Combine bank accounts,
pick up socks off the floor and do dishes by hand every day,
all for you.

For you, I would become part of your family,
go to your mother's house for Sunday dinner,
for roast and baked potatoes.
I would stand in a kitchen, I would roast, I would bake,
me, with these fingers that only ever before touched
computer keys and telephone buttons.

I would roast a roast for you.
I would visit your mother each Sunday.
I would change my name to yours.
I would abnegate all former selves and their beliefs,
for you, baby.

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