Saturday, December 22, 2007

Review of I Am Legend

* spoiler alert - skip this if you haven't seen the movie *

After the solstice. Stuck in Appleton, Day 2. But my sister was once stuck for 17 days trying to get to the Pole, with one outfit. And my cousin who works in the airline industry says in situations like this (dense fog), it's better to be where your own bed is, rather than stuck somewhere in the system.

So I went to the movies and saw I Am Legend, which is the buzz movie of the moment and was starting at the right time.

My review? I think, from a script point of view, it might be the perfect film. I can't think of any classic movie story it doesn't incorporate (although maybe romance - they could have done more with the boy-meets-girl story, probably ended up on the cutting room floor).

It's got:
Last man on earth
Post-apocalypse New York
Cop/Soldier whose wife and kid were killed and he's seeking revenge
Buddy movie
Action movie
Vampire movie
We've created a wonder drug and now it's got loose and is going to kill us all movie
Yuppie in a glamorous New York apartment with amazing stuff scenes
Die Hard hero can't walk but must get away from bad guys in a tight time frame scenes
Dawn of the Dead breaking through the boarded up windows zombie scenes
Panic Room/safety=prison/retreat into secure part of home scenario
Kill-the-puppy movie (literally, and also wife and kid)
People in authority (military and government) actually preventing the good guy from doing good (border scenes)

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