Thursday, February 7, 2008

École de la Langue Nord-Americaine

We don't get much free stuff at work, but we do get free boxes tissue of a well-known brand. I grabbed a new box out of the supply cabinet and noticed it had bi-lingual messages on its plastic wrapping. "Now even stronger!" it said en Anglais. The French said "Plus de Résistance".

Isn't that weird? I was thinking "strong" would be something to do with "la force" in French, but actually they make a distinction between force and resistance. The tissues do not, in themselves, have any active force of strength (releasing that line next year...oops! quick everyone, sign CDAs!). The kind of "strength" they have is to be able to resist other forces. Like blowing la nez on them particularly hard. So, "Résistance".

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