Sunday, March 28, 2010

Good things in strip malls

One thing you learn pretty quickly about this town is not to judge establishments by their exteriors. Three of the best restaurants I've been to in the last year or so have been in strip malls. Two of them were the hottest table in town and all the rage among everyone I knew. But they were all three in the most unassuming locations, just tucked into strip malls beside pet shops and payday loan companies and what have you (actually, not literally either of those but you know what I mean). And they were spectacular - perfectly great atmosphere inside, great food, mainly good service. You would never have picked them from just going past.

So much about this town is like that. You'd think given all the demographic statistics that the people here would be the most boring people on earth, and to have any sort of cultural or intellectual life you'd have to move away to a Big Cty on a Coast. But if you actually meet the people, you find the most interesting folks, with the most interesting pasts and biographies, and experiences and interests and capabilities. Can't judge them by their exteriors either.

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